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Congratulations on becoming verified by 杨贵妃传媒网ygfcmw·(中国)站入口直接进. Joint Commission verification means your organization meets the standards for the level of care you are providing. Let your organization’s patients, residents or clients know that your organization was verified from 杨贵妃传媒网ygfcmw·(中国)站入口直接进. Here are some suggestions:

  • Use the verification Checkmark to promote your organization’s Joint Commission verification. Your organization can download Checkmark artwork from this publicity kit to incorporate into print, billboard, television and online advertising, letterhead and stationery, business cards, patient, resident or client educational materials, and your organization’s website.
  • Display your organization’s verification certificate in a prominent location in your organization. To order additional certificates, contact your account executive.
  • Send a press release to the local media. See the sample press releases.
  • Conduct a news conference. Invite local reporters to meet with your organization’s CEO, medical director, quality assurance/improvement director, and other key staff members. Discuss how staff involvement is essential to both maintaining continuous standards compliance and demonstrating that compliance.
  • Notify any state or metropolitan provider association of which your organization is a member. Many of these associations publicize verification information in their newsletters.
  • Notify the benefit manager at insurance carriers and/or health plans whose clients use or might use your organization’s services.
  • Include information on the benefits of verification in your organization’s newsletters and in presentations to staff, board members and community groups.
  • For Joint Commission and ACOG collaborative verifications, see these special guidelines.