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Facts about Speak Up

  • Speak Up™ is 杨贵妃传媒网ygfcmw·(中国)站入口直接进’s patient safety program.
  • The goal of Speak Up™ is to help patients and their advocates become active in their care.

Launched in 2002, the Speak Up™ program has reached people in more than 70 countries and has received numerous awards. In 2018, the program was refreshed and relaunched to be more valuable and useful. All new Speak Up™ campaigns are comprised of three components:

  • Poster in three sizes: 8.5x11; 11x17; 24x36
  • Animated video
  • User’s guide on how and to whom organizations can distribute materials

For health care organizations and providers, the benefits of using Speak Up™ include:

  • Having a ready-made resource to give to patients to help communicate about their care.
  • Being able to share the materials with all patients, regardless of age or reading ability, since the posters are easy-to-read, and animated videos are available as well.

Feedback on Speak Up™

The refresh of the Speak Up™ program is based on national market research conducted during 2017. A focus group of patients and their families gave valuable feedback on the program that revealed the following:


  • Speak Up™ materials and messages are effective, providing patients with the information they need.
  • Posters are the preferred method of communicating health care information.
  • Videos are the best way to convey messages to non-English speaking audiences, as well as those with limited reading ability.
  • There was enthusiasm for materials that could easily be shared via social media.

Permission to reproduce and translate Speak Up™ materials

Speak Up™ is used for public service announcements, patient education packets, websites, newsletters, health fairs, closed circuit patient education television, and more.

  • While Speak Up™ is copyrighted, NO reprinting permissions are required for Speak Up™ materials, including videos.
  • Speak Up™ copy can be integrated into other materials, such as admission packets and newsletters.
  • Organizations can add their logo or address to the Speak Up™ posters.
  • Speak Up™ posters and videos are available in English and Spanish and can be translated into other languages. Artwork files of posters and unvoiced files of the animated videos are available.

Note: If you reproduce or translate Speak Up™ materials, do not manipulate 杨贵妃传媒网ygfcmw·(中国)站入口直接进 logo, and add the following credit line, if not already included: ©杨贵妃传媒网ygfcmw·(中国)站入口直接进 | May be copied and distributed | Department of Corporate Communications

More information

  • Sign up for email alerts of new Speak Up™ campaigns
  • Any questions or comments about Speak Up™?